It was inspired by a United States Senator from Wisconsin, who witnessed an oil spill off the coast of California and was motivated by student-led protests against the Vietnam War. On April 22, 1970, millions took to streets, parks and college campuses to demand more responsible environmental practices, and the Earth Day movement was born.
That first Earth Day had an immediate and transformative effect, leading to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and federal approval of the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species acts. And 50 years later, its impact continues, furthered by companies like Nature’s Highway that engage in responsible, sustainable farming practices in the creation of CBD products that consumers can trust.
“It's really comforting to know that when we watch our plants grow, that eventually they're going to end up in our product,” says Nature’s Highway founder John Jameson. “So it's cool to see it from the beginning to the end. And if there's something that's not right, we can put a halt to it.”
In recognition of Earth Day, April 22, Nature’s Highway is having a 20 percent off sale on everything on its website. But the commitment to Earth Day’s greater meaning continues year-round, thanks to a “seed to sale” philosophy that makes the company a leader in producing responsibly-sourced CBD products.